Community and Market Profile
What is a Community and Market Profile?
Community Profile reports provide users with detailed 2020 and 2025 information (from Census and ESRI forecasts), including population/housing/household summaries, income, age, race/ethnicity, housing, education, marital status, employment status, tapestry segments and broad consumer spending.
Below is a sample of a Community and Market Profile.
( Age Profile
What is a Detailed Age Profile?
Detailed Age Profiles provide users with very detailed 2010, 2020 and 2025 projections on population by age and population by sex and age.
Below is a sample of a Detailed Age Profile.
( readersDemographic Graphic Profile
What is a Demographic Graphic Profile?
Graphic Profiles provide users with graphic charts (from Census and ESRI forecasts) that display 2020 population by race/age, households, home value, household income and 2020-2025 projected population growth rates.
Below is a sample of a Demographic Graphic ProfileFew readersHousing Profile
What is a Housing Profile?
Housing Profiles provide users with detailed information about housing, including occupancy status, value, number of units, mortgage status, age of householder, race and size of household.
Below is a sample of a Housing Profile.Few readersDominant Tapestry Map
What is a Dominant Tapestry Map?
Dominant Tapestry Maps provide users with an understanding of the dominant ESRI Tapestry LifeMode for each Census Block in the geography. Very useful in informing the type of residents and characteristics in each Census Block. In addition, we can get much more detailed with Tapestry Segmentation Area Profiles, if you have a need for more detailed information.
Below is a sample of a Dominant Tapestry Map.
( readersAmerican Community Survey (ACS) Housing Summary
What is an ACS Housing Summary?
Housing Summaries provide users with 2010-2014 Census and American Community Survey data. These reports include housing by mortgage status, average value by mortgage status, housing units by rental price (and utility inclusion), housing units by year built, occupancy by year moved, heating type and vehicle availability.
Below is a sample of an ACS Housing Summary.
( readersAge 50+ Profile
What is an Age 50+ Profile?
Age 50+ Profiles provide users with 2010, 2020 and 2025 projections (from Census and ESRI forecasts) on key demographic indicators, including population, income, age and household backgrounds.
Below is a sample of an Age 50+ Profile.
(Few readersDisposable Income Profile
What is a Disposable Income Profile?
Disposable Income Profiles provide users with detailed 2020 information including households by disposable income and disposable income by age.
Below is a sample of a Disposable Income Profile.Few readersAge by Sex and Race Profile
What is an Age by Sex and Race Profile?
Age by Sex and Race Profiles provide users with detailed 2020 projections (from Census and ESRI forecasts) for age by sex and race.
Below is a sample of an Age by Sex and Race Profile.
( readersHousehold Income Profile
What is a Household Income Profile?
Household Income Profiles provide users with detailed 2020 and 2025 information about household income, including household income by age.
Below is a sample of a Household Income Profile.
( readersNet Worth Profile
What is a Net Worth Profile?
Net Worth Profiles provide users with detailed 2020 information about net worth, including net worth by age.
Below is a sample of a Net Worth Profile.Few readers2010 Census Profile
What is a 2010 Census Profile?
Census Profiles provide users with 2010 Census indicators for a geographic area, including 2000 and 2010 total population, population by age/sex/race, household information and housing information.
Below is a sample of a 2010 Census Profile.
( readersDemographic and Income Profile
What is a Demographic and Income Profile?
Demographic Profiles provide users with 2010, 2020 and 2025 projections on key demographic indicators. This PDF includes population, income, age and ethnicity backgrounds, as well as some other key indicators for effective decision making.
Below is a sample of a Demographic and Income Profile.
( readersAmerican Community Survey (ACS) Population Summary
What is an ACS Population Summary?
Population Summaries provide users with 2010-2014 Census and American Community Survey data. These reports include population by school enrollment, population 65+ by relationship and household type, households by size and age, language spoken at home and ability to speak english, means of transportation to work, travel time to work, parental and employment status, health insurance coverage, veteran information, poverty information (including food stamps and sFew readersDemographic Executive Summary
What is a Demographic Executive Summary?
Executive Summary reports provide users with high level information (from Census and ESRI forecasts), including population trends, median age, race/ethnicity, housing/household and income information.
Below is a sample of a Demographic Executive Summary.
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